Friday, September 27, 2013

What Is It That You Do?

What is it that you do? And why?

It is strangely peculiar that people call you ‘selfless’. That is such a shallow word – almost hypocrisy. Are they returning you a favour? But why does it hurt so much to be called that. To them, it is almost a reverence to be known as what they are not, then why should you think any different! You are not selfish and you are not selfless either, you are somewhere in the middle, or maybe you do not lie on the track that connects the two. You are different they say, but you don’t want to be.

Humility is such a superficial attribute. Everyone has an ulterior motive behind everything they do; that does not make them selfish. Isn’t it only logical that everything has a sense of reason behind it, or else wouldn’t it be just plain stupid to do things for no reason? Why does it have to be so visibly defined; the reasons? You do what you like. You do not do it for anyone else either, if not for yourself. 

Maybe they tell you differently, but you are just another piece in the puzzle that the world is. Wouldn’t you just want them to stop? Can they not just take it without having to show a shallow affectation that makes all your work look a result of vanity? You are not a saint. You are not a selfish bastard either. You are just somebody – any other entity.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Confessions Of A Bad Ass Brownie..

I was supposed to be an innocent brownie; a piece of soft cake. I was meant to make merry, among people who were in much need of it. Irfan, being the baker boy (in the absence of the other professional bakers of the group) was much excited to assemble me from parts to a whole – an innocent joyful brownie! But, somehow I decided that I did not intend to do what was expected of me, poor Irfan.. I was supposed to be one whole cake, but he decided to part me into two and alter one-half of me. The first half of me did work in making people merry, even though it wasn’t supposed to mean anything to these people. However, the other half (that was supposed to add joy to these poor people’s lives) did not turn up the way they expected. So henceforth, we will call the first half ‘the normal’ brownie, and the second half as ‘the bad ass brownie’. The normal brownie was all joyful and ‘normal’ and hence it has nothing to share with you all, it’s pretty much happy with what it achieved. On the other hand, this is me – the bad ass brownie, who is pushed in to making confessions of a crazy kind..

I am a brownie, very much the same as you would find if you go to any decent bakery that serves healthy food, but my creator had decided to alter my ingredients and thereby making me different from the rest of my clan. This however, wasn’t done for the first time across the globe, there have been several million people who have tried me, but poor Irfan and his friends were the first timers. They had googled me and were indeed happy with people’s reviews. Irfan made sure I was made as good as it get, and I did turn up good; a bit too extra good.

I was the victim of an even share between six people, but there were eight parts; Irfan and his other hyper excited friend wanted extra share, and one eighth of me was saved for a future guest. They ate me up like they all hadn’t eaten up anything the whole day and I was their first meal, they were barbarous. I intended to make things good, so I decided to remain calm for about an hour and a half. All the six people who had eaten me up called each other and started complaining about my inability to make them happy, or my inability to even work. I was hurt by these people’s allegations, and so I decided to show them all what I was capable of… After an hour or two, when each one of my consumers had gone and settled at their respective places, I decided to start with a little joyous work. Ah! Indeed all six of them were happy, they were now convinced that I did work, and yet, they complained about me being slow in my work. Well, good things come to those who wait.. they should have known and believed, but they decided to be thankless to me, and I for one, wasn’t happy!

You know, if they had done their Googling work properly, they would have known how gradual my effects were, and what was I capable of, but the researcher in Irfan had taken a leave that day. Tch. Tch. So, just when they had gotten a minute’s happiness, I decided to elevate my effects. I was so happy when they were starting to get scared of me and my capabilities, but I was in no mood to spare those who had false complained about my effects and abilities. Irfan was shit scared.. poor guy had to call up each one of the six to get a reassurance that he was fine, but no, he wasn’t and there was no way he was going to get that reassurance. He called up everyone and was even surer that my effects were starting to show. How hard he was trying to pretend to be ‘normal’; poor guy didn’t know that he was normal, it was all just in his mind. He decided that it’s been an hour since my effects started kicking in, so he should better go to bed before it got worse; he checked the time to realize that it had only been five minutes what looked to him an hour. How sad!

I am a bad ass brownie, and this is not a coincidence that I got a name so apt to my behaviour. Just when he laid on his bed to get a good night’s sleep, I decided to shift the gears and make things worse. It was such a funny thing to witness, when that poor guy was assured that he was dying and it was the last night of his life.. How cruel it might sound, I didn’t stop yet! When Irfan started calling everyone to help him, he was just convinced how soon he would be dead, and with him, will die at least three other people. His attempts were failing, and I was winning. A few minutes (hours to him) later, when he concluded that it was impossible for him to sleep and live, he decided to call up a friend who had not consumed a portion of me. Maybe, he was looking for someone ‘normal’ to normalise him, little did he knew that there was no normalcy he was going to achieve. Right now I was feeling like the monster created by Mr. Frankenstein, who just decided to take revenge on his creator. Poor Irfan.. what a mistake he had done by creating me!

I am usually a very calm, peaceful and joyous creation, but it was a bad day for the six.. err five of them. The sixth is just too used to me! Like I was not happy with ruining the night for the five of them, Irfan helped me by ruining a sixth one’s by showing up at his friend’s door and pleading to save him from my effects. Wow, that even sounds cathartic. You know if there were no such thing as Google, Irfan wouldn’t have ruined his own night, and also his friend hadn’t saved his life. I hate Google for that! I am sure Irfan is thankful to his friend and his googling abilities; because he started to feel better soon his friends had tried all the remedies given on the Internet to help reduce my effects. Irfan was now little doubtful about his death, so he took the courage to go back to his place and try defeating me by going to a sound sleep. But I had other plans.. He was sure that he wasn’t dying, but it wasn’t possible for me to just let him sleep so easily, and poor guy spent all his night staring in the dark, thinking all kinds of thoughts and just trying hard to prevent him to sleep which he thought would result in his immediate death. Haha, how idiotic he was!

People had told him that my effects lasted for four to six hours, until someone told him that it might last till 24 hours. Poor guy was in deep trouble, thinking he wouldn’t ever get normal. I didn’t let him sleep or be normal for the entire night and the next entire day. Anxiety is just a word, it has no meaning, it is all psychological and I took full advantage of it. The next day, Irfan enquired about his fellow victims, who he was sure that at least one of them would be dead by now, but to his utter surprise everyone had returned back to normal and were in a better condition than him. You know he should have felt relief knowing that he is just like them, and sooner or later, he too would get normal. But he was a serious case of anxiety disorder and nothing in the world could convince him that closing his eyes for more than a minute wouldn’t mean his immediate death. How funny it looked when he bothered all his friends and made them miss their lectures and college attendance just so he could keep his mind diverted and prevent his death. It did work actually. He was acting normal, tried forgetting about me and almost got successful, watched all the episodes of a nonsense TV series just so he could divert his mind and doze off to sleep, until all the episodes were over and he got tired of watching it. No, I hadn’t left him anytime soon. It was more than 24 hours later and he was still living in the fear of his death… Poor guy spent another night thinking he would die, until finally in the morning he got his much awaited sleep of mere five hours. Damn, he was all the more sure now that he isn’t dying anytime soon. He decided that it was in his head and so he succeeded in defeating me, but I already had my fun and I cared the least now…
You know I was supposed to be an innocent brownie, but he wanted me to be bad ass, or else he wouldn’t have experimented with my formula. He lives.. but I still haunt him through THC levels in his blood test reports, haha!

And that is how I know, he wouldn’t dare to be another Frankenstein ever again!!