Thursday, October 22, 2015

You are Your Own Refuge..

“You are your own refuge
There is no other
You cannot save another
You can only save yourself.” 
This is what keeps me going these days. I think I gave up on everyone else a long ago, but then giving up on myself is not something I can do easily. It is this continuous journey where I fall and rise and fall and rise again, broken a little after each fall but the process of mending myself is a long and endless one. 

For I know someday the gap will be filled!

Saturday, October 03, 2015

Reality Check.

The grass is always greener on the other side. It's such a cliché, and nothing is truer. They all think they know you, they don't judge you but they 'think' they know you. It does not matter, for they do not know what you know, and it won't matter till the time you are okay with what you believe... They will tell you how you get things easy, and you will just nod in agreement, even though you don't. This was supposed to be a happy place. Colleges are meant to be fun. No more, I think.

I hate this place. Hate is a very strong word and I try to avoid it as much as I can, but this is the only word which does any little justice to what I feel for this place. It is much beyond hatred, but nobody else will get that, for they think they know you well. Life has become this 'idea'. The idea that is so mundane and recurring. I count my days here, and somehow the time keeps expanding with each count. Two months go by and I haven't been able to log on and write a blog post. I think this says a lot. It wasn't meant to be this bad, but then it is...

There's so much going on and I feel like continuing to keep rambling on and on forever but this place.. I cannot perhaps keep blaming it on the place, but then the apparent depression that this place has brought is not something I have accustomed myself with. 

It wasn't supposed to be so meaningless, and yet here I am, trying to escape the reality.