Monday, May 23, 2016

It's All Over...

Finally, it's all over. I have reached the bottom of the abyss that lasted for 2 years. I can't believe that all the sufferings, torture, hard work, and whatnot is brought down to those 15 minutes, when you stand in front of these known faces, and struggle to conclude the journey in the best possible way. You work endlessly over something that you have to present in those fifteen minutes only. Somehow, those fifteen minutes appear extremely short, like someone has fast forwarded the time. But then, you are done with it. The other side will never be happy. and you just nod in agreement to whatever they say. It doesn't matter if you agree with them or not, you just nod, because you are not even listening to them. You have already entered the state of euphoria. After all, it is over!