Sunday, March 20, 2011


comeback (noun) a return to a former higher rank, popularity, position, prosperity, etc.

It is not a comeback for me, in the literal sense as the above definition from Oxford defines, for, it is not a place of higher rank or position for me that I have returned to; neither I have been away for a considerable time that would qualify for the term here! Then, why "comeback"? One might question.

I may not be "the" writer for many, or for that matter any. But, this is one thing that I have enjoyed ever since I started inking down my mind. This is something where I can be myself, for this is no fiction; I can act real without thinking twice about the world around. There is no scope for a lie, for it would feel like self - stabbing. I do not know what pushes me to write, but there's one thing for sure, that I become lifeless when am unable to pen down something from my thoughts. It puts me in a doubt when I am not able to write another poem, or scribble down my life. I am not a writer, but it feels like being handicapped, for you lose something that completed you. So, will it not cheer me up when I get back from the dead, when I get my words back, when am finally able to "speak" and not just talk. For me, it is but a comeback; for others, it can be nothing, for all I care.  
Attitude is my problem, they tell me all the time!
And yet I let them talk, for all I care.

And so I feel alive! 


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