Thursday, October 06, 2011

Making 'non'Sense!

I got up this morning and thought of doing something extraordinary. And more than the day has passed, I am still looking for that 'extraordinary' to be done. Stupid thoughts I have sometimes, I must say.

So, since morning I have been carefully observing everything that I have come across (and that is to say, computer, tv and food) so as to find something to be done in the name of doing extraordinary. Nevertheless, the search had to end somewhere.

The greatest thoughts come when you are attending the nature's call (I truly believe that). So, I was about to flush my potty when it came to my mind (I know you are going all yucky already), the potty reminded me of someone. Not the look of it, not the smell of it (I am going to die of the overdose of my own nonsense today), but the sheer idea of it... you know... being a 'waste'. I can not think of anyone else more 'waste'ful at this time, than the person who's been shitting on my life for the past four months (I had almost written the name, but my keyboard blasted itself because its keys couldn't bear the mention of his name). Coming back to the potty reminder; he's almost as good as 'shit' (waste, disgusting, and the smell that could kill, literally) but even there he's a step ahead of the poor potty. The innocent potty is at least washed away and makes you feel lighter (of course, you can't deny that, no matter how grossed out you are with this); but the shit eating loser is stuck to the seat (read, my life) permanently it seems, and no matter how hard I flush, he's not going to go anywhere and will just add on to the stink.

Now, am thinking why I ended up here (I had to do something extraordinary, right?). So, I haven't 'done' anything extraordinary. I have just discovered something to make up for it. And my discovery? Well, that contrary to my old saying 'Shit happens! Flush it', I have reached a point where I can not resist modifying it a bit...
***(I just wanted to keep my keyboard safe) happens, flush youself, because he's not gonna go anywhere! (Sadly)

P.S. I have made my non'sense', so now I can happily resume with making sense.
And damn, the loser has beaten up the potty too! (*puked and died*)


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