Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Over and Out!

Well, it was this day I have always wondered about. This, the ending of it all. Finally these years end; it is a relief in most of the ways, and a little down somewhere I feel I am already starting to miss something.

It was a long journey from where I began and to where I have reached today. It wasn't so sweet, but nostalgia finds its way into every/any small memory that needs to be re-lived. 

Looking back at these last 5 years and I find a mix of a lot many memories. Not all of them are the good ones, but each one is worth remembering. Whether it was the new beginning in the first year where I had made some of the best friends of my entire life before or the day when I lost those few. Most of it (read the life in the past five years) has been about people I have gotten used to, fond of, in millions of ways. Friends. But, having said that, it was definitely a several other things that made up these years. Pleasant or otherwise, everything had a role to play. I am amused, how many different phases there have been to my life. 

Started on a rather reluctant journey of gaining this coveted title. Architect. I was never really fond of adding that Ar 'dot' before my name, and I still am against it. But, it's just the smile that follows when you're done thinking about the longest five years of your life. Yes, they were unexpectedly long. People often say 'I can't believe how quickly time passed...', but for me, they have been tolerably long, these years. It's not like I mind them being that long, it's just that for me, it couldn't be like the blink of an eye. I mean when I started, I was just old enough to be eligible to vote, or drive a car, and now... I am almost old enough to be married and called 'uncle'. Shit! The thought scares me.

Surprisingly, there were many 'firsts' that happened in these years. The first time I stayed up through the night. The first time I had a six hour exam. The first time I fell in love. The first time I failed in a subject (four for that matter) and of course, the first time I almost wanted to kill myself. I am getting a hint where this frustration is coming from. ;)

 I don't think I could ever get tired of thinking about all these times. Despite some of the best and a few low times, I feel relieved. It is finally over! Maybe, it was over already the day I stood fighting in my thesis jury. But, all this while there has been a slight burden of still being linked to a place I want to get rid of. And now, with everything behind... It is finally done. I am happy. Over and out...

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

I Hate This...

Well to begin with, let me clarify the title of this post... This is something that I don't want to do, right now at least. All this thinking, writing, introspection etc. etc. for two reasons... One, I am almost convinced that I am in a state where I'd die with depression if it continued for too long and two, well, I'd wound up nowhere even if I tried!

I have reached at a point where am sure everyone comes and think 'What next?' and I don't know how they move on from there, but for me, it's been hell of a task. Not that I am done, but it's being one.

Why couldn't just things come the 'right' way by default? Not having to think what is right, and what is not! Would it hurt God if He made things less complicated? I mean, why couldn't I just explain myself the countless sleepless nights, or why can't I make sense of extremely distorted pattern of thoughts I have in mind! Maybe He does mind easing up on us, even a bit! That is not questioning Him, it's only human to be frustrated and thinking 'why me?', and I do realize am not alone, but do I really care about them others? No, I don't.

I haven't got a clue where does all this frustration, irritation and depression (if you want to call it), comes from. People often ask me, 'why can't you just be okay with things?' and that is when they are telling me about their 'bigger than anyone else' problems, in response to my potentially negligible (as they would like to call it) issues. And I think, can you be? No, you can't be, nobody can be! So stop questioning me...

So again, why couldn't just things come the 'right' way by default?