Tuesday, December 30, 2014

This Too Shall Pass..

This year too shall end soon. Another chapter is closed, and a new one would begin. This year from the last has been a roller coaster ride with everything going at a rapid pace and then slowing down, when sometimes I felt 'this day is never going to end..' But it has been weirdly an enriching experience. I suddenly grew up. Responsibilities were forced down my throat, and strangely I have started to like being a little more responsible, in a very selfish way. The year that I started with a new job in one of the places I had always dreaded to work in. Surprisingly, I really enjoyed working with one of the fussiest person on Earth. But one thing hadn't changed in me. I couldn't stay put at one place for too long, and I just left the office even before six months. But that is me. I had my reasons. I was supposed to join my masters. I was dying to go back to college, and have at least two more years of my share of fun, and how! The dream of becoming a landscape architect, of being extremely sure that this is what I always wanted to be... And then, leaving my preferred course for something that I didn't really like. I was completely surprised by my own doings. And so started a new phase in a world I was so unaware of... I never thought my second innings of college life would be so depressing. The feeling of running away and leaving everything behind... it was me, or the course, or the place, I don't really know, but those months of my first semester were the longest three months of my life.. And here I am, having gone through all that and achieving a little something to be proud of, and dreading the start of new year. I don't wanna go back to the place for another semester. I just can't imagine myself going through those dismal months of another semester. But then I got no choice. I am supposed to see light at the end of this tunnel, and be assured that this too shall pass...  

Thursday, December 18, 2014

Another year comes to an end. 
So much changed.
Just a little remained.