Thursday, March 10, 2016

Wait, What?

Somehow, I have had some very interesting conversations with the auto drivers of Delhi. I remember when the auto driver showed concerns over the much talked about rape case in Delhi. I remember when an auto driver, very unabashedly branded the 'modern' women as attention seeking whores. And then, I met this auto driver who very casually branded me as an anti-national. 

When I sat in that auto from Kashmere gate, to go to my place, little did I know what that journey was going to be like. It was around midnight, and I was obviously sleepy and irritated by the 5 hour long bus journey I had just experienced. So, I quietly sat in the auto, and thought about some very important things (things like what I am going to eat, how will I ever finish my thesis, why haven't I watched the latest Suits episode, or when the hell will they air the new season of GoT). Then, suddenly the auto driver started a casual conversation. 

He started with a biased question "What do you study in JNU?". 

I was taken aback, and suddenly it occurred to me - my appearance was very JNU-like, the jhola type sling bag, the unshaven look, the shawl, and dorky glasses. I smiled, realizing what they meant in the news when someone said "They were looking for people who looked like they were from JNU". So, to clear out his doubt, I just said "I don't study in JNU". 

"Oh, so you study in Jamia." he assumed.

I really had no patience to explain to him that I was in Architecture, and at IIT. Since I had asked him to take me to Jamia, I assumed, it was easier for him to make those assumptions. I just simply said "Yes".

"What do you study there?" he asked casually.

"Engineering. Civil", I said, in order to avoid the follow-up questions when I tell someone that I study architecture.

"Oh! Jamia has Engineering also?" he wondered.

I thought Why can't Jamia have Engineering courses? Is it because it's this so-called Muslim institute. Are we supposed to study religion only? Are we not smart enough to be engineers?, but I thought I shouldn't be so judgemental, maybe, he seriously didn't know Jamia had engineering, or Jamia had a college also for that matter, as the area's name is Jamia Nagar, and many people assume it to be just a locality name. So, I said "Yes, it has engineering also. It's pretty good you know", I just added.

"Hmm, so what do you think about what is going on in JNU?" he questioned with a bit of apprehension.

"Umm, well I don't really know. Some student gave a controversial speech I guess. People shouted anti-national slogans. They were booked for sedition" I replied with no interest whatsoever.

"Those bastards. How can they speak against the country, who is paying for their education? Don't they know they are nothing in front of the government?", said the auto driver, with a lot of passion.

I thought 'Really? The country pays for their education? Why the hell am I paying my fees? Why doesn't the country pay my fees too. Damn!', but chose a more reasonable response and told him "You know, it was proved that those videos were doctored, and fake!"

"Fake or not. They must have done something, otherwise why would it become such a big issue?" he said in response.

"Well, I think, studies and politics should not be mixed any how. So, I don't really know if they were fake or real, or whatever, I think this whole thing is gone out of proportion" I said with obvious disinterest.

By now, the auto driver had formed a very serious opinion when he said, "Nothing gives them the right to support a terrorist? Who are they to question the government?"

"I don't think they were supporting any terrorist", I said what I felt.

"Oh, so you think it is okay to speak in favour of a terrorist? You think it is okay to abuse our Prime Minister, for the bastard terrorist? Is this what they teach you at Jamia?" said the driver, with a bit of anger.

I laughed at his last statement. Wow, it is so convenient to form opinions, right?, and I said "Well, I am not sure what Jamia teaches, but now I am clear what stupidity and blind faith teaches you", I faked laughter, and asked him to stop the auto, as I felt more comfortable walking the remaining distance, than getting in a debate with someone having such biased opinions.

No, he didn't call me an anti-national. But then again, I don't think it was needed after he had conveniently assumed that my 'Muslim' institute teaches me anti-national stuff, and because I was a Muslim, I must support terrorism. Honestly, I have never really faced a discrimination or hatred based on my religion ever before, maybe because I don't come across as a typical Muslim. I don't have a long beard, I don't go around shouting that 'my religion is the best', or for that matter dress like a conventional Muslim. But these are just stereotypes I believe. Then again, that ride at late night taught me a lot many things about the current atmosphere in this country, and no, I don't feel unsafe, or threatened or anything, but yes, I do feel that there is a lack of intelligence, and logic, and reason, and well, truth. I am not an expert on either politics or religion. I am not someone with a lot of knowledge, but I do believe that I am qualified enough to speak about such stupidity that has become commonplace in the current scenario. And I refuse to go down and be one of them. I refuse to be judged or biased against, just because I have a difference of opinion. And I certainly don't want to shut my eyes, and believe in everything that media feeds me, or any of those so-called 'leaders' teaches me. I just don't want to.

Ignorance is Bliss..

This sudden turn of events around is so weird and frustrating. The whole country has become this maniac, about things people didn't really care about. Usually, it is a good thing when people start noticing the small little things that are usually avoided. But then, I don't think what is happening around right now, is good, or appreciative in any sense. For, how did your food preferences become the subject of debate? Why does it matter what I choose to eat? Why is it okay to voice your opinion over anything, and then shutting down those who go against them? Why is it not okay to talk about serious issues?

I am not a political person, and for that matter, not religious either. I avoid discussions that revolve around either of the two topics. But, all this fuss about food, politics, nationalism, religion, and justice, has become unavoidable. My social media feed is full of these news. How many people can you unfollow after all? Honestly speaking, I always believed that all this outburst of unnecessary crap was on social media alone, for, I hadn't met a single person in my circle who spoke so strongly against or for something. But then, I was right only until it happened to me.

I am a below average citizen of a country of about 1.2 billion. I don't follow news. I am not aware about the current affairs. But only for so long. My social media accounts make up for the news that I so wishfully avoid. I remember something similar happening few years back, when the entire world was talking about this gruesome rape that had happened in the capital city of India. It had raised so many questions, and ignited some strong debates. But, then again, I believe that was not unnecessary, that was something much needed, that was a constructive outburst. In total contrast of that, what is happening these days, is utter nonsense. 

Few months back, the government announced the beef ban. While I am not in favour of that, I thought 'well, it's okay, any way we are not eating it on a daily basis, or for that matter, eating cow at all'. So, I didn't see anything wrong about it. But then, people went crazy about it. There were people debating this on national news channels, posting strong views on their social media accounts, and whatnot. It was still okay. But, then it was not okay when some people murdered a person because he was 'allegedly' storing beef in his refrigerator. Seriously? I mean, what the hell is wrong with people. Later, it was proved that the meat in the man's refrigerator was not beef, but mutton. Stupid right? First of all, I don't think it is okay to be keeping a tab on what is your neighbour storing in his refrigerator. Secondly, who the hell gives you the right to go on and kill someone for something so insignificant. Even if he was storing beef, I don't think the 'beef ban' gives you any right to kill. If it is anything at all, it is illegal, and for that, jail the person, put him on trial or do whatever is 'legal'. How is it okay to suddenly go and kill someone.

That was the stupidest thing I ever came across. But then, no, it didn't stop there. Suddenly there were news from all over the country. Allegations on people consuming beef. People being assaulted for eating meat. People holding protests, and arranging 'meat eating events' in protest. Seriously, what is wrong with everyone? Their IQ is seriously that low? Not even IQ, were they seriously that dumb? And as always, all this was politicized and got turned into religious debate. Well of course, religion and politics are but one, right? I am someone who intentionally avoids news, because I don't want to be involved in something that stupid. Yeah, maybe I am ignorant, or whatever. But, I seriously don't want to form an opinion on something I have no clue about. I am everything and anything, but I am not political at all. So, even when people blamed one particular political party for all this beef ban and people lynching, I cannot really blame the party. I mean, are people seriously that ignorant to blindly follow some party, and forget reason?

So, this happened, and of course a lot of other things followed, which as always, I ignored. Then, recently there was this incident, where a group of students held an event and apparently shouted slogans against the country. Well, it is stupid to be shouting slogans against your country, of course. So, they were booked for sedition. I didn't even know the meaning of sedition until then, and I didn't really have to look in the dictionary, thanks to social media and unwanted news updates on my feeds, it was all over my FB page. So, I thought, well it's okay, you are not allowed to say anything against the country, so of course you should be imprisoned or tried against. But then, some days later, it was found that the video based on which these students were branded 'anti-national' was doctored and fake. Wow! So much for attention, media channels. Bravo! So, I thought, well okay, it is proved now that the video was fake, so the students will be let go, and everything will go back to normal (despite the fact that 'normal' has ceased to exist), but of course, how could it just stop there. Everyone, and I literally mean EVERYONE was talking about this, and formed such strong views on this. 

The people I spend time with, both in my college, and at home, are more or less neutral on everything. Or, so I thought. My classmates were all super charged, and everyone was posting stuff on their FB, branding those students as anti-nationals, traitors, and whatnot. What I was surprised by is not the fact that they had such strong opinions on something so ridiculous, but I was surprised by the fact that this was coming from people who are 'educated' and study at one of the so-called elite institutes of the country. And this brought back memories of people in my university talking about beef ban and saying stupid things like 'it is a good thing that they killed those meat eaters', and because a lot of people ate beef, or at least some form of meat, they all were neutral. Neutral mind you, not against the ban. So, when these students held a meet to question the 'freedom' in the country, these same people from the most reputed institute of the country, branded them as anti-nationals. Like always, I did not post an opinion on FB, or discussed any of it with anyone. But then, there were people who I spend most of my time with (in college) who gladly posted stuff about the issue, saw videos where people were calling these students a lot of things. They were very happy when these students were insulted on a national news channel. I could only ignore.

So, why am I talking about this now, when I never talked about this before? Well, because despite seeing the people around, I honestly believed that all this is far fetched and made up, and exaggerated. Until, I sat in this auto-rickshaw.