Do you also find it strange to be taking those first steps all over again? It is so much effort to be doing this - trying to mend things, but I am hoping it's worth the work. To get to know you all over again, is like revisiting things of the past that I had strangely overlooked. It is indeed a strange feeling, but there is no doubt about me really 'wanting' to do this. I know for a fact that I wouldn't be doing this for anyone else in the world, but for you, it feels like a natural instinct. It surprises even myself how patient and restrained I have become. I am constantly waiting for that notification on my phone, and hoping it's you. I fight the urge to just randomly text you telling you that I truly love you. There, I said it, I don't think I'll find a less cheesy way to put this in words. But, I also know that you are coming out of a bad phase, and I don't want to screw up, again! So, I'll patiently wait for a time when you are more welcoming and open to the idea that second chances can sometimes do wonders.
I am also scared that this all will go away in a whiff, like I'd suddenly wake up from a wonderful dream. It frightens me that I might do or say something which'll set you off, and I might not be able to get a second chance at all. I am scared, but I am also hopeful. Hopeful that things will get better. I am not known to be optimistic about anything, but this, this is something I am extremely positive about. It may well be because I am too scared to lose you and hope is the only thing that keeps me sane. It is like walking on thin ice - I am not sure which step will be my doom, but I am so hopeful that we get through this and find each other on solid ground. I have no other way to put this, but you'll always be everything I want. Always!
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