Sunday, October 17, 2010

Bonds And Beyond

Life is a complicated process that goes on complicating even more with time. Wouldn't you just want to un-complicate it a little bit?
That's where your friends step in.

I have been very particular about the circle of friends that I've always had, in all the phases of my life that have gone from bitter to better to today, when almost everything around me revolves around the very few ones I have. It's been an adventurous journey since the school times, where I didn't had to pick and choose friends from the foes, for, everyone around was a friend; the only distinction needed to be made was, who the best is! To today, where I am left with a world full of people, new ones being added daily, but I stand smiling only with those chosen few. 

I have often wondered and pitied those who complain about having no friends. Pity! For, not surprisingly, I have seen the phase too, where the only ones wishing on my birthdays were my family, and sometimes, not even them! Life surely hasn't been wonderful all the way, but how could it have been? Change! The debatable subject that has answered many of my question in those times.

Change, even though it might have been, but there still remain things questionable. 
Answers to them don't exist yet!

Certain things still soothes me up, including the very existence of many people who're contributing in adding any little joy whatsoever, to my life. Friends, they are. 

The past 3 years had been amazing, for everything that has happened or changed in these times. There had been times too harsh, times too joyous, and some times just confused. But, what has remained constant, unchanged, are the people standing by me. They have made me laugh, they have laughed with me, laughed at me... and at other times, cried with me, or lent me their shoulder if they felt too strong to shed a tear. 

But, certain people have helped me share much more than the joy or the laughter or those tears. The bond has been stronger than plain friendship, it's been something beyond relationships. It was exactly 5 years back, when I had met this beautiful person. Back then, I had not thought of anything what we've been through together in these last five years. It has been a journey far more amazing than any other. Expressions go beyond words, for, something so simple can't frame down what I hold down in my memory.

Yet, doesn't she deserve to know that she has been one of the most beautiful and cherished part of my existence? Expressing through actions is not my forte, and words I don't have. For, how do I map my memories down through alphabets!

High time it is, for, I haven't paid the debts to whatever she has contributed in making my life worthwhile. I have messed up things beyond repair time and again, and yet, we have stayed together with these cracks in between.

A series of questions.
A nil of answers.

Did something change, or I live in delusion?
Haven't we been this same since forever?
Or, did I muddle up things once more?

Where are the days, when we had smiled together?
Why do I feel so changed?
Or, am I just thinking too deep?

Why can't I recall the best times we had?
Did we even had any?
Or, I overlooked the obvious again?

Was there a better phase earlier?
Has it been like this from the beginning?
Or, am I missing something vital?

Is it the change that occurred?
Is it the change I brought?
Or, is it just me?

A series of question marks
No sight of a full stop

Am I looking for the unanswerable?
Have you given the answers already?
Or, is this the dream I haven't been through?

It hasn't been this; it's a thought in advance.
A reminder to fill up the voids left ignored
Before our lives take a turn towards the other road!

To this day, and forever. May there are many more 5 years to our bond.
Though, words do fall short, but that's all I have.
With words I play, to replace that else wise I can't say!


shazia said...

awesom yaar..........hav no wrdzzz seriously....

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