Sunday, January 27, 2013

Crazy. Stupid. Love

It has always been difficult to put her into words. She's been the one person I have adored for various reasons. Above everything else, I love her for the madness she so radiantly projects. I have no recollection of how it all started, but sometime back years ago, I met this exceptionally awesome girl who had a charismatic aura about her. You cannot 'not' fall for such thing, in the most friendliest possible way.

It is her smile I remember from that Friday years ago. Smile. Nothing else. She was almost hiding beneath the killing smile she wore. But then, it was hard to tell; she was one-third of the trio, the mysterious trio to be precise. Nobody knew what went in their minds, and they were pretty good at keeping that a secret. And today, years after that Friday I know what was hiding behind that mischievous smile of her.

I have vague memories of being distant from this weirdly amazing girl; for reasons best known to either of us. And then, there was a switch. I am reminded of that crazy long drive on a rainy day, that changed it all. It brought me closer to what the mystery was. I can clearly recollect our stupid conversations over the phone, sms-es, online chats, etc. where we had the bizarre of the bizarre-st possible discussions, over well... nothing! She is one crazy girl who never cease to amuse me.

The rebellious brat that she was, has always inspired me to do things my way. I am clearly in awe of her, if 'love' is too cheesy a word to describe what we have. Be it the feminist regimes she heads, or her wanting to go to certain 'barred' areas, or one of the several of her defying moods, she has been something of a charm. But it is not only her non-conventional or rebellious attitude that I have fallen for, it is her ability of being the bestest of friends, without needing to be. She can say such silly things, and still please you and sweeten up your bitter moods. 

To one of the craziest, loveliest, awesomest rebel I have ever known.  
To all the stupid discussions that we had, or wanted to.
To, well... you.
Birthday Wishes.
Tavalodet Mobarak, for the half Persian that you are ;)     


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