Monday, December 09, 2013

A Day Without Cell Phones.

Those who know me, know that I am married to my cellphone. I don't leave it for a single minute, even if there are no calls or messages or anything. I lock and unlock my phone to check if there are new messages or if I missed any calls. I take it with me when I take a bath, so I can listen to my favourite music at full volume. I sleep with it, will check it whenever I get up in the middle of my sleep. But to say that I cannot survive a day without it, wouldn't be wrong. I can live with it, I mean without it. I don't think so, but I know so, as it happened today when my phone decided to commit a suicide and give up on me!

I have so much of things going on around me, and there is just so little of me who's willing to do them. I just feel like sleeping entire day and night and again. But it's not my destiny to have it my way, so I wake up every day, make a list of what all I have to do, and what all I will do in a day. I had been waiting for today for so many days now, Monday, is when all the offices would be open and I can do all the stupid stuff that I have been doing. So I decided to wake up early, get ready and start with the task. I went from one place to another and to another, hopping between places like I was David Rice of 'Jumper', emerging at places in no time. Of course it didn't happen that way, but I did manage to do a portion of my task that needed me in three different places. It was all fine, until I realized that my phone was off and it wasn't turning back on. I had charged it all night, so I know it wasn't the battery problem, it was just the periodic realization of my phone that it runs on Windows OS. How much I hate it!

There was so much other stuff that I needed to be done with today, but since my phone decided to just quit, I couldn't do any of it. I thought you can live a day without your phone, because I am not really addicted to it, but today was impossible. It was today when I realized that PCOs have become obsolete, and there are none present at public places where you would expect them to be. I remember the phase when I used to go to the nearby PCO and make calls, and they were everywhere. You could see handicapped people running a mobile PCO unit on their vehicles, some sort of government plan or something. But they have become these vestigial entities that are no longer into existence, and I am not into a habit of asking a stranger for his cellphone so I could make a call. If it were one single call, I might have asked someone to lend me his phone, but I needed to make so many calls which probably would have consumed a considerable amount of money off their credit balance. 

It is just so disappointing that the PCOs that were once in abundance have just ceased to exist. It might be a positive thing that everyone has a cellphone these days, so there's no need of them, but doesn't people lose their phones, or run out of battery or doesn't their phones give up on them? I can't wrap my head around the fact that I couldn't do so many things today only because I didn't have a phone with me. Has life become dependable on an inanimate object like cellphones? I never thought I was so dependable on a phone, but 'today' just proved the point!


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