Sunday, December 15, 2013


Recently I was asked what my last post 'I Quit' was about. At that moment, it was just that.. a post! But I don't think it deserves the lack of introspection. So, here goes...

I don't expect you to thank me, or even return my favour. I don't even want you to, because then it would just demean everything. Having said that, I want you to know that I am not to be taken for granted. You don't own me. I am not somebody you can just come to every single time because you are in deep shit. I am not your anchor, who you could just throw away and expect would do all the work needed for you. I am not a selfless idiot, who you think does everything for the sake of humanity or for maintaining a good image. I seriously don't care if you think of me as a saint or a satan. I don't do it for you, I do it for myself.

This bond or whatever it is, I have put you above everything else for a long time now. But now, I am just getting tired. And I quit. I quit being your last resort. I can't be of use to you. I have reached my yielding point, and this is all I could do. I don't want you to understand, or even try to. I don't want to explain anything because I am not interested in listening to your explanation. I believe that one should return favours sometimes, but then I have nothing to ask for in return. I have given up.


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